The first French History & Culture meeting of this academic year will take place on September 13 (the first Sunday after Labor Day) at 5-7pm, on Zoom (Meeting ID: 940 4693 4838 – please contact a co-convener for the passcode). To kick off the year, we’ll be holding an informal discussion of Ladj Ly’s film Les Misérables (2019). This film is currently streaming on Amazon Prime. The Papers section of the seminar website also includes a couple of short, optional readings: an interview with Ladj Ly published in The Guardian and an analysis of the film by Beth Epstein (NYU). Please contact a co-convener for the password to access these documents.
Please feel free to share this information with interested colleagues and grad students, and take a look at the full program of seminars for Fall 2020.
Looking forward to seeing you!