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September 15: Lynn Mollenauer (UNC-Wilmington) — “From Marvel to Medicine to Merchandise: A Long Strange History of an Early Modern Wonder Drug”

October 13: Mike Garval (NCSU) – “When Pigs Fly:  Toward Modern Pork Production on Belle Époque Postcards.”

Oct. 20: “Élie Halévy and Politics of the French Third Republic” at the John Hope Franklin Center (Duke), 1:30-8:30 (Joint Meeting with Triangle Intellectual History Seminar)

November 17: Film discussion: Something in the Air by Olivier Assayas (2012)

December 8: Aurelian Criautu (Indiana University) (7:00 P.M.Joint meeting with Triangle Intellectual History Seminar)

January 26:  Lloyd Kramer (UNC-Chapel Hill) – “Travel, Identity, and the French Generation of 1820: Victor Jacquemont and Flora Tristan.”

February 16: Laura Mason (Johns Hopkins University)

March 16:  Ellen Welch (UNC-Chapel Hill) – “Performing Peace at the Congress of Westphalia: François Ogier’s Ballet de la Paix (1645).”

April 13: Thomas Parker (Vassar College) – “Saint-Évremond and the Invention of Geographical Connoisseurship”