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September 27: Greg Mole (UNC, PhD student in History), discussing a chapter from his dissertation, “Privileging Commerce: The Compagnie des Indes and the Politics of Trade in Old Regime France”

October 25: Philip Stewart (Duke, Emeritus Professor of French), discussing his recent e-book, Beyond Belief: Life Without Faith

November 15: Annabel Kim (Duke, Postdoctoral Fellow in Literature), discussing a chapter from Unbecoming Language: Sarraute, Wittig, and Garréta Writing Against Difference

January 31: Helen Solterer (Duke, Professor of French), discussing “A Timely Villon” from her book project Timely Fictions on the cultural memory of pre-modern poetry, drama, and pictorial narrative

February 28: Pascale Barthe (UNC-W, Assoc. Professor of French), discussing Jean-Baptiste Tavernier’s treatment of women as global commodities, from a project on early modern interactions between the French and Mughals

April 10: Neil McWilliam (Duke, Professor of Art History), discussing Action française and the visual arts – “Action française: The Experience of Centuries”

May 1: Christine Haynes (UNC-Charlotte, Assoc. Professor, History), discussing a chapter from “Our Friends, the Enemies”: The First Allied Occupation of France, 1815-1818.